Improve your vision, improve your performance.
Performance Vision specialises in the provision of unique visual training packages tailored to the specific demands of the chosen sport. The programme usually begins with a screening to test the general visual skills of an athlete. This is followed by feedback to the athlete and coach and discussions over the best way to incorporate vision training into the athletes programme. Vision sessions can take the form of individual or small group sessions working on a particular visual skill or a particular weakness of the athlete. Large group or team sessions can also be carried out.
Performance Vision run coach education sessions to enable coaches introduce vision training into other aspects of the athletes programme such as strength and conditioning or technical/tactical sessions. Vision training often begins in the 'classroom' and moves on to more competition specific training.
When participating in sport over 80% of all the information that an athlete gathers is through their visual system.
Who we work with.
Working with all athletes from individual sports to large teams.
Team coaches, personal coaches, performance coaches and sports psychologists
Performance Directors
Performance Analysts
what challenges are you wanting to solve?
I've suffered from a head injury and looking for help with ongoing visual issues
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Our Clients.
We are proud to have worked with some the premier teams, coaches and athletes on the planet.